One ‘Real’ Power Packed Brand Launch
California Dairies, Inc., the leading milk processing co-op in California, needed strategic, creative and hands on sales support for the launch of its In Good Hands brand of delicious, value-added milk-based protein products.

The process began by creating a consumer-driven positioning platform that connected target shoppers with In Good Hands and elevated the brand’s point-of-difference with meaningful lifestyle value: ‘Real Milk Protein, Real Flavor, from Real Dairy Farmers – The Realest.’

Bringing the Brand Experience to Life
With the foundational platform firmly in place, it was time to bring the brand to life in-market with a strategic launch plan for its snack line of products – Protein Puffs. A flurry of ‘surround sound’ marketing support was developed and used to seed the market with creative and exciting promotions designed to lure shoppers and retailers alike. Among these efforts was the brand awareness driving ‘Cheesy Crunch Tour’ – an experiential product sampling campaign that engaged target shoppers at relevant venues to demonstrate how In Good Hands could fit with their everyday, lifestyle snacking needs. What’s more, the tour was a joint effort supporting both the In Good Hands brand and the California Milk Advisory Board’s Real California Milk seal, helping to reinforce a premium value positioning for the brand based on what shoppers have come to know and trust from the seal.

Sharing the Brand Story to Drive Momentum
The momentum continued with an ‘always-on’ social media campaign designed to attract the interest of shoppers and the trade. For more connective brand tissue, an inviting DTC website leveraging SEO was also constructed as the ‘go-to’ place where shoppers could get to know and shop In Good Hands with ease and understanding. Lastly, trade show banners were developed to support retailer sell-in.

With a brand strategy, campaign and engagement program firmly in place, In Good Hands is rolling out a power packed shopper marketing effort for key accounts. Already both leading national natural foods accounts and CA retailers have embraced the brand for 2024 and beyond.