Snacking Hits the Bread Aisle at Walmart
Delicious, and made with real fruit, Ozery products offer a convenient solution for on-the-go families who are seeking healthier choices, especially when it comes to snacking. As a newish brand in a fast-growing category, Ozery needed to increase velocity and household penetration in the competitive and cluttered bread aisle. Our marketing plan included four promotion windows.We used an insight-driven message strategy to establish lifestyle relevance promoting the brand in the right context (both in store and in digital media), creating demand for focus products. A vibrant design and call to action made sure the message broke through the clutter. We successfully activated the messaging and tested the performance of different offers, using Ibotta and Neptune’s Shelftalker program at targeted Walmart locations. This program generated over 9MM impressions, and 72% of offer redemption came from new users, all part of proving we could grow a niche brand with Walmart bread shoppers in stores throughout the US.